Sunday, August 12, 2007

Everyone loves the iPhone

Late night, I had to get me some fourth meal®. Actually, it was second meal; all I had today was breakfast. The drive-thru line took forever, so of course I had to break out the iPhone and send some quick texts. I get to the window, and the window guy was like "that'll be six dollars and forty... dude, is that the new iPhone??" So before I could get my Mexican Pizza® and taco supreme, I had to give him a quick demo on how the browser switches to landscape view when you tilt it. Besides, I'm ultra-paranoid of offending fast-food workers for fear of them spitting in my Diet Pepsi.


Anonymous said...

You should have just driven away after your demo of the iPhone. I do not think that he would have even realized.

Russ said...

but i hadn't got the food yet! I just need to figure out a way to get the food first...