This mountain is insane. Honestly. This picture really doesn't do it any justice. Crazy fools rock climb El Capitan all the time and it literally takes days! They sleep in little tents or in hammocks that they bolt to the side of the vertical face! Think about that for a second. Yosemite's a trip! | El Capitan Originally uploaded by russdogg. |
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
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its El Capitan, fool! |
Monday, July 26, 2004
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yo yosemite |
Well, I'm still in Cali. My damn family convinced me to get my flight changed to 2 weeks later. So I'm still here in Fresno. Why the hell would I stay 2 more weeks in 105 degree weather? Dont ask me. I'm tryin to make up for it by hittin up all the places I havent been to forever, like Yosemite. That place rocks. | russ_yo_small Originally uploaded by russdogg. |
Thursday, July 15, 2004
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-Haha! That guy wrecked! |
-Dude, isnt that your brother? yeah.Thats basically the coversation between my brother Carl and his buddy. Wait, rewind... First of all, this weekend at Pismo Beach rocked! Camping on the beach, riding quads on huge sand dunes all day, shootong illegal fireworks, watching two of my brothers drink ther asses off, and watching hippies burn a giant effigy made entirely out of junkmail. Could it get any better? no, but it sure could get worse. I flipped my brothers Honda 450cc quad, which to him was no biggie cause he also has a new yamaha yfz 450cc quad, and flipping it did nothing to it except break off a 5 dollar flag. It was a big deal to me though cause it rolled over me and it was damn heavy! As a result I bruised a bunch of ribs and also can't move my left arm more than a few inches due to (presumably) some torn tendons in my shoulder. Of course my lack of insurance does nothing to help the matter! Thanks to up above I was born a half caste! Since I'm Indian I got a free check up at the good ol' Indian Health Clinic. They just gave me a perscription for beefed up Motrin since its an anti-inflammitory, and I'm getting an x-ray tommorrow. When I figure out how to post some of my pics on here you can see the quads and hopefully my x-ray. Oh, and I'm for sure buying a quad now. Being a dumass and hurting myself aside, it was bitchin!
Friday, July 09, 2004
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Every indian wants to be the Chief... |
Its my native duty... well not really but you gotta be wondering, why else would I drive 5 hours each way through the Mojave desert just to sit in a hot room and listen to a bunch of people swear at each other? I'd like to say that my sole motivation is "responsibility and duty" since I am related to them, and it kinda is, but its also got alot to do with money. Why else would I waste time with a bunch of people who don't like me solely because of my last name? I hate to sound shallow, but my cousins can be really mean, especially when they are arguing over something they really don't know much about. My brother, the Chairman of our tribe, is working hard to to make our tribe a lil cashflow, but he's receiving alot of opposition from other tribal members that hate my family because we don't live on the reservation anymore. It doesn't matter if my brother has excellent ideas; some haters down there hate the idea if they didn't think of it first. There are so many opportunities for a "sovereign nation" in the state of California to make some serious bank, but you gotta work hard at it. I went down to the reservation to vote on some of these issues, and to check up on the status of my 1 acre parcel of land just chillin down there waitin for me to build my mansion and retire at 35. So hopefully "the gods" are smiling down on me. Maybe it's in my blood, but I really have no desire to have a 9-5 job and the sooner I make my bankroll the better, ya heard me?
Monday, July 05, 2004
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Goin, goin, back, back, to Cali... |
Hell yeah, I'm goin home! My sister Alisa convinced me that I need to come home for a couple weeks during my summer break. I really didn't want to, but now I'm stoked. I managed to weasel the school's digital camera for the trip, so theres gonna be some quality photos after the trip, for sure! My mom is picking me up from Oakland, so I'm gonna try n see if we can swing by San Francisco and hit up the Apple store. For sure gonna hit up the local Indian Casino when I get to home and get my gamble on (and hella cheap steak dinner). Oh yeah, thats the main reason I'm going home. Our tribe, Fort Independence Indian Reservation, has a big meeting where they are going to vote on a workman's comp plan that alot of state officials in California are gettin worked up in a frenzy over. The article is in the archives here at Hopefully the end result is I make some bank off of this! Cha-ching! All of you reading this that I owe money will be paid ASAP, I swear! This workmans comp deal has potential to make me rich. Also, the new deal that Governor Arnie has set up letting more gaming compact deals in Cali can make me cold cash, if it all works out. Holla!
Saturday, July 03, 2004
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My car breathes once more... |
My Prelude has been reborn. Way back in February, my little car died out of the blue and wouldnt start up again. Talk about a bad way to end a date. A week later my girlfriend broke up with me; one of my friends said its cause i didn't have a car anymore. I like to think its cause I'm a huge Lakers fan and she's all about the Kings (see Shaq's comment re: the Queens) Anywayz, I had the car towed back to my place because my landlord said he would fix it. He is an amazing mechanic, but he's always super busy. Well, I reminded him alot about it but I didnt want to be bugging him all the time. Finally, four months later, on Tuesday, I was talkin with him in his garage and he was like, "lets check out your car really quick." So I popped the hood, and seriously in less than five seconds, he was like "Heres your problem." What the hell! After waiting four months, it took him five seconds to diagnose it. At any rate... he got the parts and now I'm rollin again!!! It feels so good to be able to go somewhere whenever I want to; or at least go further than my golf cart can go with the batteries charged up.
Thursday, July 01, 2004
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SpiderMan II: Oh HELL nah! |
Endless rehashing of the same mix of frustrated puppy love, survivor guilt, and identity crisis as the first one. Is that a good enough description of Spidey 2 for ya? I can't believe how much this movie sucked!! I mean, don't get me wrong, I didn't really have high hopes for it since I hated the first one, but still... I was desperate enough for something to do tonight that I went to the sequel of a movie I hated, and got exactly what I deserved. I would've had more fun if I stayed home by myself and watched the Queer Eye Marathon on Bravo. This movie so boring, and is rife with cheesey scenes: from the little kids who thank Spiderman in unison, to the infant that helps spiderman climb up a ledge in a burning building, to the chinese lady singing the off-key Spiderman song, to the bad acting, to the... need I go on? I hated the first one, but a year later I had forgotten just HOW much I hated it, and now it all came flooding back like a repressed childhood beating. The best part is how all week MTV has been touting Toby Mcgwire as this awesome hunk, and they kept replaying the same two-second scene over and over of him taking his shirt off. Face it, he's a scrawny geek, picked to fit the part of Peter Parker who is supposed to be a scrawny geek. Just cause he's the star of a "mega summer blockbuster" doesnt make him Hansel (who, by the way, is so hot right now). Basically, if you liked the first one then you'll probably like the second one. Of course if you liked the first one you probably need to be punched in the face for being such an idiot. The best part of the movie was making fun of it the whole time and purposely pissing of the couple in front of us ;)